What Should I Have Fixed on My Car When Summer Ends?

As the summer draws to a close, it's a great time to turn your attention towards car care. Even though you might be busy with back to school responsibilities, practical maintenance now can save you time and money down the road. Here are some suggestions for staying on top of things.

  1. Get your vehicle inspected. The results of an inspection can help you focus on immediate needs so you can prioritize spending. It will include necessary tests and checks on your battery, fluids, belts, engine hoses, lights, and more. It's wise to take care of any problems before the cold weather moves in.
  2. Check your tires. Having enough tread depth is vital for safe driving, regardless of season or road conditions. You can assess your tires by using a penny. Insert Lincoln's head facing downwards into the grooves of the tire. If you can see the top of his head, your tread is worn, and your tires may need to be replaced. If you're not sure, have a mechanic take a look. 
  3. Test your windshield wipers. Although some hot, humid days end with a thunderstorm, you may not have used your wipers as frequently over the past few months. Inspect the edges where the rubber blade comes in contact with the glass. If necessary replace your wiper blades so they can perform their job in inclement weather. 
  4. Get your oil changed. Check your owner's manual for the recommended services. If you changed your oil at the beginning of summer, you might be due for another change. 
  5. Create an emergency kit. Whether you leave it in the trunk or back seat, having a few necessities on hand, is always a good idea, especially when the weather gets cold. Fill a box with gloves, a flashlight, flares, jumper cables, a blanket, water bottle, and a few protein bars. Better to be safe than sorry.

If you are in the market for a used vehicle, stop into Hometown Auto in High Point or Winston-Salem. We offer a wide variety of cars with low down payments and affordable monthly payments. Visit us today!