Maybe you've had your eye on a vehicle for a while, but you know you can't get a loan from the bank. Perhaps you drive by and take a look at it from time to time, thinking of a way to afford it, even though you have bad credit. Instead of wasting any more time worrying about your credit score, stop into Hometown Auto and learn more about our On-The-Lot Financing. We can get you in a new car, regardless of credit history. With everything under one roof, Hometown Auto is your one-stop shop for financing, service, and repairs.
Stop into one of our two locations in High Point or Winston-Salem to view our current inventory, or look online, where you can also apply for instant pre-approval. Even if banks or other financial institutions have turned you down in the past, Hometown Auto will work to get you the car you want with affordable monthly payments. Regardless of your credit history, we can offer you a finance plan and a credit-building program that works within your budget.
With On-The-Lot financing, you don't need to contact other lenders for a loan. We take car of all your financing needs in-house, so you don't have to leave the lot. All of our departments work together to provide you with a safe and affordable vehicle. We will even take care of you after you purchase a vehicle from us. Hometown Auto also offers service and repairs for any future needs.
Don't waste time wishing you had better credit; instead, build positive credit by financing with Hometown Auto. Come and see us today and we will get you in the car you want, at a price you can afford.