Getting a car loan can be a challenge, especially if you have bad credit or no credit history. You may have been turned down by banks or other dealers in the past and are hesitant to try again. How can you begin to build your credit when no one will give you a loan? Hometown Auto is here to help.
When you buy a car at Hometown Auto, we offer you affordable financing options with low down payments, regardless of your credit history. When you buy here, you pay here. You don't have to deal with a bank or other financial institutions because we handle everything in-house. Our goal is to help you fix your credit problem by building up a positive credit history to benefit your financial future.
Come in and check out our current inventory. Once you find a car that works for your budget and needs, you will meet with "The Credit Doctor" to talk about financing. Our credit-building program will give you the stability you need to purchase a vehicle and keep up with monthly payments.
Every vehicle we sell is inspected before it is sold, so you can rest assured you will be getting a safe and reliable car. Since we are interested in building a relationship with you, we want you to bring your vehicle back after purchase for all your service needs. From fluid checks and oil changes to warranty work, Hometown Auto will make sure your car is in good operating order.
If you've been turned down for a loan in the past, come see us at Hometown Auto. We are happy to get you in the car you want for a price you can afford.